First Study Visit in Sevilla

After some months of local work, participants from different project organisations travelled to Sevilla (Spain) for the first Study Visit of our project.

The Study Visit has been hosted by Consejería de Desarrollo Educativo y Formación Profesional from the Regional Ministry of Andalusia and the main objectives of this activity were:
‑To provide participants with new knowledge and competences on health promotion and emotional education in the context of a public institution in Southern Europe;
‑To know in situ the working methodology, activities and good practices of the Educational Innovation Service of the Andalusian Regional Government;
‑To exchange ideas and educational experiences to carry out better quality work with teenagers and young people;
‑To strengthen the relations and cooperation between the project organizations for the creation of an international network of entities working for a comprehensive development of health based on a holistic approach.

During the Study Visit participants had the opportunity to know the programmes that are implemented in Andalusia by the Regional Government, participate in a basketball training session by the local association Anima Vitae, where sport is used as a tool for inclusion and visit two different educational centres (CEPer Polígono Sur and IES Ítaca) where their directors and teachers presented how they work with emotional education in their schools and where we also had the opportunity to participate in some of the classes.