Good Practices
The aim of this activity was to identify existing good practices at local or national level connected with the promotion of health and emotional education in secondary schools, whose experience can be extrapolated and used in other countries/organisations.
These good practices can be seen as a reference and inspiration for future activities of our and other organisations and they can be extrapolated and used in other countries. They can also be adapted to work similar topics with other target groups.
In the final e‑Book of our project, you are going to find more detailed information of all these good practices.
‑Students health advisors: to promote healthy lifestyle habits (emotional education, healthy lifestyles, sexuality, positive use of ICT or prevention of drug addiction) among secondary schools’ students though peer learning and health mediators;
‑Emotional Education Anti-Programme: to support students needs in a deprived context providing students with the necessary socioemotional skills to be resilient.
‑Training Workshop on “MetaEmozioni Test & Training”: to know the theoretical framework of the MetaEmozioni method and to learn the use of its techniques and tools with specific reference to the areas of recognition and non-verbal expression of emotions and emotional synaesthesia;
‑Training Workshop on the “MetaEmozioni Scuola”: to know the theoretical framework of the “MetaEmozioni Scuola” method and to learn the use of its techniques and tools for improving students’ emotional abilities.
‑Student Support Office: to create a space for the reception of children and young people who need focused
attention because of temporarily emotional difficulties in the context of the classroom dynamic;
‑Mutantes Project — “Comedies of Minho”: to promote personal and social transformation and to empower young people through art, dance and theater, fostering the recognition of the uniqueness of each person with their thoughts and emotions.
‑KiVa-Koulu (School against bullying program): to prevent bullying and to tackle the cases of bullying effectively through the recognising and regulation of emotions;
‑Wilma web interface: to obtain information about instruction and teaching arrangements and improving the the communicatation of teachers with parents and students in order to support their progress in studies.
‑Colour your mood!: to create a warm and emotional secure context for the students to fulfill their potential;
‑Take action! Be kind!: to increase students’ emotional and spiritual well-being through the promotion of kindness as an everyday habits.