Phase I: Tools
After the First Coordination Meeting that took place in Arcos de Valdevez (Portugal), all partner organizations of our Project are working in their own country for delivering the results of Phase I of our project “Schools developing Health and Emotions”. In particular:
-Analysis of the situation on the promotion of health and emotional education in secondary schools and their institutionalization in each country: partners have to analyse the existing legislation on health literacy and emotional education, its implementation at practical level, the training of teachers on the project topics and the activities put into practice by the organisation;
-Identification of Good Practices at local or national level connected with the promotion of health and emotional education in secondary schools.
Iniciativa Internacional Joven, as coordinating organization, sent to partners a tool-kit, so all products will have a similar content and structure. All results are going to be included in the eBook of the project and available for free.